
Hi there. Here is @whoisdinanath.

Personal Information

  • Name: Dinanath Padhya
  • Location: Jwagal, Lalitpur
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Date of Birth: April 27, 2003
  • Birthplace: Myagdi, Nepal


I am passionate about programming and technology, committed to continuous learning and personal growth. Currently, I am in my third year of pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics, Communication, and Information Engineering at Thapathali Campus. I am also actively involved in ECAST - Thapathali, a dynamic tech community at the campus.


  • Backend Engineering
  • Machine Learning
  • Distributed Systems & Designs
  • Hardware & Embedded Systems
  • Internet of Things (IoT)
  • Linux & Open Source


  • Bachelor’s in Electronics, Communication and Information Engineering
    Thapathali Campus (May 2022 - May 2026)

  • Higher Secondary Education in Biology Science
    Orchid Science College (May 2019 - September 2021)

Work Experience

  • Freelancer
    Fiverr (2021 - 2022)

    • Developed an e-commerce website backend using Django and Django REST Framework.
    • Automated tasks using Python scripts.
  • Backend Developer
    Thapathali Campus (April 2023 - Present)

    • Implementing backend functionality with Django & DRF.
    • Developing and maintaining Thapathali Campus’s official website.
    • Collaborating with a team for seamless front-end and back-end integration.

Extracurricular Activities

  • Asian Hack 2022
    Asian College, Balaju

    • 1st Position: Developed a “Blind Guidance System” using ultrasonic sensors and a camera.
  • Vertex Hacks 2023
    Thapathali Campus, Thapathali

    • 1st Position: Created the “Universal Hand Gesture Decoder” for translating sign language into voice using hall effect sensors.
  • Locus Project Demonstration, National Tech Fest 2023
    Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur

    • 1st Position: Continued development of the “Universal Hand Gesture Decoder”.

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages/Tools: C, C++, Python, Golang, JavaScript, LaTeX, x86 Assembly, Bash
  • Databases: SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB (beginner)
  • Frameworks/Libraries: Django, Django Rest Framework, Flask, FastAPI, React, NumPy, Pandas, PyTorch
  • Tools: Docker, Git, Linux, Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab
  • Embedded Hardware: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP32, ESP8266


  • Nepali: Native
  • English: Fluent
  • Hindi: Fluent

Projects Portfolio


  • ECAST - Thapathali: Hardware & Software Co-ordinator, President (Current)